How to Spot Signs of Pediatric Back and Neck Pain

pediatric chiropractic

As parents, it’s natural to worry about our children’s health and wellbeing. However, when it comes to back pain, we often think it’s something that only affects adults. The truth is, children can also experience back pain, and it’s important to know how to spot the signs. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to spot signs of pediatric back pain and what you can do to help your child.

  1. Change in Posture

One of the most common signs of back pain in children is a change in posture. You may notice that your child is standing or sitting differently, or that they’re hunching over more than usual. They may also avoid certain activities that require them to bend or twist their back.

  1. Complaints of Pain

If your child complains of pain in their back or neck, it’s important to take their complaints seriously. While occasional aches and pains are common, it is certainly not normal. Pain is always a sign of an underlying issue.

  1. Limited Mobility

If your child is experiencing back pain, they may have limited mobility. This can include difficulty bending, twisting, or turning their neck. In the infant population, you may notice they are favoring one side when turning the head. They may also have trouble getting in and out of bed, or getting dressed.

  1. Changes in Behavior

Back pain can be uncomfortable and disruptive, and it’s not uncommon for children to experience changes in behavior as a result. Your child may become irritable or moody, or they may withdraw from activities they once enjoyed. In babies this can look like inconsolable crying.

  1. Unexplained Fatigue

If your child is experiencing back or neck pain, they may also feel fatigued or tired. This is because pain can be draining and exhausting, and it can make it difficult for your child to get a good night’s sleep.

If you notice any of these signs in your child, it’s important to take action. The first step is to schedule an appointment with a pediatric chiropractor, who can assess your child’s spine and determine the best course of action.

In addition to seeking professional help, there are a few things you can do at home to help your child manage their pain. Encourage them to engage in gentle exercise, such as stretching or walking, and make sure they’re getting enough rest. You can also apply heat or ice to the affected area to help relieve pain and inflammation.

In conclusion, back and neck pain is not something that only affects adults. Children can also experience spinal pain, and it’s important to know how to spot the signs. If you notice any of the symptoms we’ve discussed in this post, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. With the right treatment and care, your child can get back to feeling like themselves again.

Our practice is trained to serve pediatric patients. Contact us today to schedule an appointment or to see if chiropractic is the right fit for your child.

Healing Your TMJ

The TMJ or “temporomandibular joint” aka the jaw, can be painful and downright annoying for so many. Luckily, owner of Above Down Chiropractic, Dr. Natalie Rosenzweig, has developed a TMJ protocol for patients experiencing pain, clicking, and dysfunction in this region of the body and it gets amazing results for so many of our clients.

Dr. Natalie provides a thorough analysis, chiropractic adjustment, and muscle work protocol that addresses the root causes of jaw dysfunction. We work with patients who are undergoing dental work for bite correction and refer to dentists for those needing to have their bite analyzed. This protocol is for anyone currently experiencing symptoms in their TMJ.

How does it work?

The protocol will improve the motion of the jaw, release the muscles that help open and close the jaw, and in many cases address other areas of the body that can lead to TMJ pain but are unrelated to the jaw joint itself. In doing so, we first take a look at the entire picture of your health and physiology to determine what corrective techniques will be used during your treatment.

We equip you with all the best TMJ healing tools we have to help you heal yourself naturally both inside and outside of the office.

What are the benefits?

Improving the health of your TMJ, can improve your quality of life, which is what all chiropractic care is really about. Many patients have trouble eating, speaking, sleeping, and concentrating on home and work tasks due to the discomfort and lack of movement in the TMJ when it is not functioning properly. The jaw is integral to communicating, and helping your body meet its basic needs for survival so we make it a high priority in our practice to help you get well and stay well.

If you are interested in the TMJ protocol offered at Above Down Chiropractic, please schedule a free “New Patient Eligibility Call” on our website at where we can discuss your needs and get you scheduled for an examination.

Prenatal Chiropractic Care

When you become pregnant, your body starts changing a lot and very quickly. You may start feeling achy in your back, heavy and

tight in your belly, pain might travel down your leg, and you can feel tense through your neck and shoulders. Walking becomes more difficult, and things you used to do with ease are now a pain- (getting up out of bed anyone?). These things are common for so many pregnant women, and the reason is because your body is expanding and changing daily. Prenatal chiropractic care can assist the body in carrying, growing, and birthing your baby.

How does it work?

Prenatal specific techniques such as the Webster Technique are used to relax the muscles and joints that are connected to the uterus and pelvic bowl. Our pregnant patients lay face down on pregnancy pillows that have an opening big enough for the belly to eliminate pressure on the front of the body. We use a combination of gentle adjustments and muscle releases during the treatment that have been found to be most effective for pregnancy.

What trimester is best to start chiropractic care?

The first trimester! At your first confirmation of pregnancy, we recommend beginning prenatal specific chiropractic care. If a chiropractor or another healthcare provider has suggested you wait to receive prenatal chiropractic care until the second or third trimester, unfortunately they are not properly informed on prenatal chiropractic care. You should begin the Webster Technique for pregnancy in the first trimester by a qualified chiropractor.

Is it safe? Yes! Prenatal chiropractic is safe and effective. It is very important to see a prenatal specific chiropractor who has undergone additional training to serve this population. The gold standard treatment protocol is the Webster Technique. Be sure to ask your chiropractor if they are trained in this technique before using their services while pregnant. There are certain chiropractic techniques that should NOT be used on this population, and you want to make sure your chiropractor knows the right way to treat you.

Why is it important? Aside from helping you function better and relieve pain, prenatal chiropractic addresses three main areas of concern during pregnancy and birth: 1. Nerve interference to uterus: the nerves that exit the spine and control the tone of the uterus are responsible for sending signals to this organ to help the organ function properly. Your baby is growing inside the uterus and will require this organ to have healthy nerve function during the birth process. Adjustments can help reduce interference by improving your joint motion and reducing the inflammation surrounding the nerves controlling this region.

2. Nerve interference to baby: Your nervous system is responsible for growing your baby. Each day your baby will become more developed, creating new physical attributes and vital functions. Chiropractic care seeks to improve the overall health of your nervous system by improving your brain to body (and brain to baby) connection. We help to reduce your overall stress response and activate your parasympathetic nervous system which is better for baby’s development and the birth process.

3. Space inside uterus: When the muscles and joints surrounding your uterus are not moving properly and stuck in malposition it can lead to less room for baby in the womb and less room for baby to make their way through the birth canal. A wide, symmetrical opening with freely moving joints plays an important role in the birth of your baby. Chiropractic care helps your body create more space in the pelvic bowl for optimal position of baby during birth.

Research studies have shown that receiving chiropractic care while pregnant can lead to less birth complications and shorter labor times.

Book your prenatal chiropractic visit with us at Above Down Chiropractic today!


Check out this article that explains more about prenatal chiropractic!

3 Chiropractic Myths – Busted!

doctor performing analysis on a neck

Many people have the wrong idea about chiropractic care. Even current practice members of ours who have gone through our intake process and have received lots of education on chiropractic. That’s why I wanted to address the top 3 myths about chiropractic care that come up in my practice.

1. I can go to a chiropractor once and I’ll be “fixed”

I WISH! Honestly, if chiropractors had that kind of ability the world would be so much healthier and happier collectively. Healing in the body takes time and repetition. I often relate chiropractic care to exercise- when you want to create change in your body’s physiology you have to exercise routinely. One day at the gym doing bicep curls is not enough to give you strong biceps for the rest of your life.

Chiropractic care is changing your physiology and helping your body better adapt to internal and external stressors placed on us such as injury, toxic load, and mental stress to name a few. Much like starting an exercise program, we are working against areas that are not healthy any longer or may have never been healthy since birth when you begin care. We are interrupting set-in patterns of dysfunction, and helping your nervous system learn a new way of operating which is to be in its natural state of health and function rather than dis-ease. This takes time. That’s why consistent follow up visits according to the suggestions of your care plan are so important. Otherwise, you truly are not maximizing all that chiropractic care can offer you and are using this treatment as a temporary Band-Aid for your ailments.

2. If I go to a chiropractor, I will have to keep going

If you go to a chiropractor, your chiropractor is going to suggest a care plan. If they don’t, they are not committed to your healing. Care plans or “treatment plans” provide the necessary course of action for you to get better and stay better. These require usually higher frequency visits in the beginning and then taper off once your body is in a better state where you then transition to a maintenance program.

The truth is, once you commit to chiropractic care and your quality of life begins to improve, most people WANT to keep going to a chiropractor.

And you will quickly learn how this health maintenance practice is so important for your overall wellbeing. Having your spine and nervous system routinely checked is a key part of health and wellness as the nervous system is the operating system of your entire body and your spine is what is protecting it. When these areas are functioning well and consistently being checked for dysfunction you are giving your body a foundation for self-healing that no other profession provides.

Our practice members often report improvements in their sleep, mental clarity, better mood regulation, better immune function, better stress management and less aches and pains from things that normally would aggravate their body. While we don’t claim to “fix” any of those things specifically, having a healthier nervous system allows for better overall health, and the sky is the limit on how this may improve your life and function. With that experience, it’s easy to want to stick on a wellness / maintenance program for LIFE!

3. Chiropractic care is expensive

It seems like a lot, but comparitively chiropractic care is very cost effective. Let’s take a common condition that people see us for such as low back pain, and compare costs with traditional medical treatment. By helping prevent the need for expensive surgery, and often addictive pain medication chiropractic care can actually save you money.

Take a look:

The typical cost of spinal fusion for low back pain in Florida is: ~$43,000

The typical cost of a chiropractic care plan for low back pain is: ~$1,500-$2,000*

*pricing reflects care at Above Down Chiropractic prior to any in house discount programs offered

Addressing issues before they become too severe is the key to addressing spinal concerns conservatively and cost efficiently. Chiropractic care can not only help you to heal your spine’s present issue but can help keep it healthy in the long run well into your golden years. That is a no-brainer investment worth making in my opinion.

Have you heard of any myths about chiropractic that you’d like explained? Send me an email at so we can chat about it. It may even make it to the next blog topic!

Book your next visit at Above Down Chiropracitc with us online today!